"Why Are Local Tackle Shops Disappearing?" Featuring John Bullock with NJ Multi Species Podcast

"Why Are Local Tackle Shops Disappearing?" Featuring John Bullock with NJ Multi Species Podcast

I was invited to join in on the NJ Multi Species Podcast with Joe and Chris to discuss what is making it so hard to maintain a viable Tackle/Bait Shop?  I believe this actual applies to skate shops and all Main Street type Businesses so, I think the discussion is very important to have to understand where we are as people in our buying habits and how maybe we can understand the importance of small business owners and what they really mean to your community in your area.  Now I don't have all the answers, but I think we need to disconnect for the web and explore what is in your own backyard. When I look what we created on the corner of Bear Tavern Rd in Ewing and the community we have created... I believe we can have more small businesses filling the void of what the people need..

Thank you Joe and Chris for starting this conversation with me... I appreciate the light shined on our shop.  If anyone ever wants to start a bait or tackle shop or just want some guidance... I don't know it all but I can give you some pointers in the right direction. 

Well Enjoy....

#OldSchoolOutdoors #NJFishing #SAVETHEBAITSHOP #BecomeMasterOfBaits #EwingStrong 

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