Old School Outdoors Fine Baits with NEW Items

Old School Outdoors Fine Baits with NEW Items

Shiners Minnow
Mediums Each $.89 - 1/2 Dz $4.99 - Dz $8.99
Xtra Large Each $1.49 - 1/2 Dz $7.99 - Dz $14.99
Fatheads Minnow
Rosy Reds Each $.69 - 1/2 Dz $3.99 - Dz $7.99
NEW Large Each $.89 - 1/2 Dz $4.99 - Dz $8.99
Bloodworms Reg - Dz $19.99 - 2 Dz $38.00 1/2 Flat $179 - Flat $369
Eels Live - Each $2.50-1/2 Dz $13.99-Dz $21.99
Eels Frozen-Each $1.49-1/2 Dz $7.99-Dz $14.99     
Bunker 1 Pk $3.99 - 1/2 Dozen Pk $19.99
NEW Fluke Spearing 8 oz - $5.99
NEW Squid 1 lb - $3.99
Canadian Nightcrawlers - 18 count - $4.99
Big Red Worms - 30 count - $4.49
Butter Worms - 12 count - $6.49
Meal Worms - 36 count - $3.75
Wax Worms - 36 count - $3.75
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